Your Love
with Others and with Yourself
There's nothing in our lives that impacts us more in our day to day experiences, than our relationships. From our romantic partners to intimate friends, coworkers to family members, our lives are made up of connections to other people. When those connections are uplifting and enlivening, we thrive. When they are problematic and painful, we suffer. And how much thriving or suffering we experience in our relationships with others is based largely on how we are relating with ourselves. Change the way you relate with yourself and you'll change your relationships with others.
My Commitment to Your Growth
I firmly believe that the more conscious, loving relationships we build in our world, the better our world will be. As a woman devoted to Love in all its many forms,
I bring a feminine sensibility to teachings around intimacy and relationships that can sometimes seem lost in our
fast-paced world. Immersing yourself in the teachings
I offer or in personal sessions with me, I can help you to slow down and feel yourself in a deeper way so that you can then see what you are needing to grow in yourself
for your relationships to grow. I’m committed to
helping you take that growth journey. Join me
on the path of commitment to Love.
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?”
~ Mary Oliver
Deonesea's Courses
This class is based on the premise that what you really want from a man is for him to honor and adore and cherish you, and that for you to have that you are going to need to make an internal shift towards receiving a man in a way that empowers him to give you those things.
Stop Chasing Men,
Start Receiving Them
Temple Dance
The Art of Feminine Embodiment
What does it mean to be Embodied? How do you move, how do you hold yourself, how do you radiate femininity through your physical expression? Temple Dance is a powerful feminine arts practice that supports you to move from the core of feminine power.
Authentic Sexuality
Finding What "Sexy" is for You
This class is based on stripping ourselves bare from all of the biases and rigid definitions of what "sexy" is, to reveal the real sexiness of the woman underneath. Learn what authentic female sexuality is really about and how to relate with your own natural eroticism.
What would it be like to date like YOU are the one in charge? This class is based on teaching you how to be empowered in your dating life. It's time you get this dating thing in hand, so that you can find yourself in the relationship where you are cherished beyond your wildest dreams!
Dating Like A Queen
How to Be Succesful in Finding Love
Would you prefer to work with Deonesea one-on-one? You can schedule Private Sessions or a FREE 20 Minute Discovery Call via the button below.
Deonesea's Retreats
Pilgrimage 2024
Walk the Path of Powerful Woman
All-Inclusive Women's Destination Retreat in Greece
October 14th-24th, 2024
"Pilgrimage" is defined as a journey to a holy place, which can lead to a personal transformation, after which the pilgrim returns to their daily life transformed.
In these times of tremendous societal and social change on our planet, we need women standing in their true power now more than ever. This kind of personal empowerment journey is exactly what you'll experience through this destination retreat.
When powerful women of ancient times visited holy places for prayer and divination, they engaged in very specific rituals to prepare themselves to receive messages and direction - both for themselves personally and for their loved ones or community. They began at the sacred springs to cleanse and anoint themselves, then fed themselves from the sacred plants of the land, before making their way to the temples or power spots to commune with the divine.
CROATIA | OCTOBER 9-19, 2023
When was the last time you really rested? We plan vacations. We pack for them. We travel to them. We wake up early for them. We fill our days with cool things to do while there. Have to take advantage of every minute we’re away from daily obligations, right? Does any actual relaxing happen? Rest is vital for our mental, emotional, spiritual health and inner healing.
This retreat guides you to intentionally enter and consistently remain in the states of restoration and cultivation of your personal power through rest, movement, and nourishment. We’ll explore spectacular locations of ancient history, including Roman temples, Colosseum and basilicas, medieval towns in refreshing natural settings, mystical stone hills, and ancient Goddess sites. We’ll also spend time in vibrant city settings, romancing our taste buds with gourmet organic food bursting with vitality.
This particular offering of time together in the field of Dark Mother, will be especially potent as it will be held on the lands of Avalon... a place of deep magic long-held by the Priestesses of that land.
Known to be the heart chakra of the planet, Glastonbury (Avalon), holds by its very nature all of the codes of what it is to be held in the deep heart of the Mother. That embrace will take us deep into our own inner place of refuge and sanctuary, where we will drink our fill from the deep well… both figuratively from our internal landscape, and literally from the external landscape of Chalice Well.
“Reality doesn't impress me. I only believe in intoxication, in ecstasy, and when ordinary life shackles me, I escape, one way or another. No more walls.”
~ Anaïs Nin
People all across the ancient world looked to the stars and the skies, to the earth and the waters to understand themselves as part of something greater than themselves. Their shamans and priestesses were upheld and revered and turned to for help in understanding the mysteries of life. Great cultures of those times discerned that there were specific energies that were universal in the human experience, and they trusted those
who could read those energies and see life through
a different lens... the lens of Spirit.
An invitation to Enter the Mystery is an invitation to cross the threshold from the world of logic and rationale into that world of Spirit. When we choose to explore the deeper meanings of life through that lens, we can learn to recontextualize our life experiences… particularly the painful ones… in a way that helps us to more deeply understand the things that happen to us. By drawing from various spiritual traditions in the world and applying the myths from ancient cultures, we start to see our life journeys as archetypal journeys. Viewed through that lens, life's challenges take on new meaning and we become stronger, more powerful, more confident and more resilient to the changing tides of an ever moving Universe… an ever changing Mystery.
From Victimized Maiden to Empowered Queen
Three Part Series of 90 Minute Classes
June 25th, July 2nd, and July 9th, 2024 from 11am-12:30pm PDT
(This Series Will Be Recorded)
The myths of ancient Greece offer us so much more than just fantastical stories of mythical creatures and larger than life Gods and Goddesses… they offer us templates of archetypal journeys represented through each of the stories of those deities. The Greek pantheon were the first Gods and Goddesses of the polytheistic world to be portrayed as fully human beings. Others are all part animal, part human. The Greek Gods and Goddesses, therefore, hold a specific and highly developed place in the human psyche.
For this reason, we can look to those myths and find deeper understanding about our life experiences. We can look to them, too, for how to grow through our experiences and become more whole and centered and clear in who we are… and free to live the life we long for.
In Persephone’s Journey: From Victimized Maiden to Empowered Queen, we will fully explore the ways in which a woman comes to be ruled by this archetype, and how she can take the path of growth to clear her psyche and reclaim lost aspects of herself. Through teachings, guided practices and instructed personal rituals, this class will guide you along the path to ascend from the underworld and live fully in your adult woman self.