When you do the work of knowing your own worth,
you discover your ability to take a stand for your tender heart. Let me help you receive the love you so deeply desire!
The fact that you've landed here shows that you are ready!
You are ready… to follow your heart and your inner knowing as it’s leading you to fully explore the pleasures of your body, to uplevel your relationships, to find your feminine energy, and to source your life from that place. You are also ready to move through your fears and your blocks to get some help once and for all.
Your time is now. Let me show you the way.
Intimacy Coaching
Due to so many confusing external messages, many of us as women have experienced tremendous pain around our bodies and our sexuality. Our work together in coaching will be about unraveling those influences from your psyche and the places you hold them in your body, to drop you fully into your natural sensuousness as a source of immense pleasure and knowing… in the Feminine Way.
In sessions with me, you will have the support to
look within and address:
* Body image issues
* Sexual shame
* Any past sexual trauma
* Desire for greater sexual expression
* Feelings of disconnection from your sensuality
* Living in masculine drive rather than feminine magnetism
In clearing these, you will discover the truth of what your sexuality really is meant to be:
A powerfully magnetic force of nature and the seat of your true destiny.
Turn towards your Shakti and light yourself up with her radiance, to unfurl into the luscious, embodied feminine woman that you have come here to be.

Relationship Coaching
Few, if any, of us received adequate modeling or learning around what healthy intimate relationships look and feel like. Most of us entered the world of romantic relationships with no clue as to how to do them well, and have found ourselves trapped in painful patterns and dysfunction with no idea of how to get out of them.
When we’re in it, it’s so hard to see what we’re in... especially if we’ve never received needed information to know what we’re actually dealing with. On top of that, oxytocin bonding for a woman is very real and can make it incredibly difficult to extract herself from being bonded with someone who’s wrong for her.
Our work together will help you look into these patterns and move on from pain into true empowerment. This applies to both past and present relationships. From that place, you can begin the journey towards the beauty of real intimacy.
Sessions will address things like:
* Taking apart your relationship patterns
* Discovering what true intimacy feels like
* Learning to date and relate from an empowered place
* Facing the parts of you that allow painful relationships
* Transmuting the painful past into a pleasurable present
Having sorted through these pieces, you'll then learn tools and principles to help you find and keep the love you truly want. With the right kind of support and guidance, you can alchemize your old patterns into intimacy gold.
Click below to schedule your sessions and get started on the path to your
most fulfilling relationships and
feminine expression now!
Invest in yourself with a single session, or go big with a bundle of three sessions and receive a 10% discount.
Commit to the realization of your dreams today!

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom….”
~ Anaïs Nin