Your Love
the Feminine Way with these courses for your
Mind, Body, Heart and Spirit
There's nothing in our lives that impacts us more in our day to day experiences, than our relationships. From our romantic partners to intimate friends, coworkers to family members, our lives are made up of connections to other people. When those connections are uplifting and enlivening, we thrive. When they are problematic and painful, we suffer. And how much thriving or suffering we experience in our relationships with others is based largely on how we are relating with ourselves. Change your relationship with yourself and you'll change your relationships with others. Let me show you how.

My Commitment to Your Growth
I firmly believe that the more conscious, loving relationships we build in our world, the better our world will be. As a woman devoted to Love in all its many forms, I bring a feminine sensibility to teachings around intimacy and relationships that can sometimes seem lost in our fast-paced world. Immersing yourself in the teachings I offer or in personal sessions with me, I can help you to slow down and feel yourself in a deeper way so that you can then see what you are needing to grow in yourself for your relationships to grow. I’m committed to helping you take that growth journey. Join me on the path of commitment to Love.
“I am now finally a woman who gets flowers for no reason.
Thank you for helping me get here!"
- Jill
“I came to your course very broken internally. My soul and heart were devastated, while I was confronting my own inner dragon of sexual abuse trauma. THANK YOU! So much of your teachings have helped me to transform my inner/outer sexual relationships landscape in a massive way!”
- Anonymous
Online Courses

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?”
~ Mary Oliver

This class is based on the premise that what you really want from a man is for him to honor and adore and cherish you, and that for you to have that you are going to need to make an internal shift towards receiving a man in a way that empowers him to give you those things.
Stop Chasing Men,
Start Receiving Them
What would it be like to date like YOU are the one in charge? This class is based on teaching you how to be empowered in your dating life. It's time you get this dating thing in hand, so that you can find yourself in the relationship where you are cherished beyond your wildest dreams!
Dating Like A Queen
How to Be Succesful in Finding Love

“You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves ….”
​​~ Mary Oliver
Authentic Sexuality
Finding What "Sexy" is for You
This class is based on stripping ourselves bare from all of the biases and rigid definitions of what "sexy" is, to reveal the real sexiness of the woman underneath. Learn what authentic female sexuality is really about and how to relate with your own natural eroticism.
This class is for any woman who feels the call, or the need, to reclaim her sexuality as her own, whether to deepen into an intimacy that is finally meeting you, or wanting to fully rock a juicy solo journey, sovereign sexuality is at the core of deep feminine availability to the fullness of LIFE.
Sovereign Sexuality
Igniting Pleasure
“Reality doesn't impress me. I only believe in intoxication, in ecstasy, and when ordinary life shackles me, I escape, one way or another. No more walls.”
~ Anaïs Nin


All of the major religions and spiritual traditions of today are masculine based. Their central concept is the need to transcend the body to be worthy of God. Feminine spirituality, however, is rooted in teachings of how to fully inhabit the body as a temple.
People all across the ancient world looked to the stars and the skies, to the earth and the waters to understand themselves as part of something greater than themselves. Their shamans and priestesses were revered and turned to for help in under-standing the mysteries of life. As women have the power to create life, worship was offered to the feminine face of God...or, Goddess.
When we explore the deeper meanings of life through feminine traditions we can learn to recontextualize our life experiences… particularly the painful ones… in a way that helps us to more deeply understand the things that happen to us. By drawing from various spiritual traditions in the world and applying the myths from ancient cultures, we start to see our life journeys as archetypal journeys and we become stronger, more powerful, more confident and more resilient to the changing tides of an ever moving Universe… an ever changing Mystery.

Persephone's Journey
From Victimized Maiden to Empowered Queen
Explore the ways in which you as a woman came to be ruled by your difficult life experiences (like the underworld journeys of this archetype), and how you can take the path of growth to clear your psyche and reclaim lost aspects of yourself.